Grooming Close to Home

When children are trafficked in their neighborhood, they are often trafficked by a friend, peer, or family member that lives nearby. Additionally, they can be snatched right out of their front yard by a trafficker.

“Hey Penny, hop in.”


In recent years, an average of only 11% of all missing children cases were the result of an abduction by a stranger. This means that you, by being well-trained can greatly impact this statistic by simply knowing what to look out for and who to watch out for.

“Hey!! Get away from those kids, right now!”

“Penelope! Back away from them! Quick, honey, get their license plate number, okay?”

Predators and Traffickers earn the trust of your child via either social media, online gaming, school, at the school bus stop, being friends with your child’s peers, or as a family member. Sometimes, it’s a family member of your child’s friend or peer and they use that person to lure your child into an unsuspecting environment in their home.

“Ugh, these guys are so creepy…I’m going inside now.”

Combat grooming in your community.

If you suspect this type of grooming or trafficking may be the case, it’s paramount to take note of your child’s schedule, route to and from school, and peer relationships to protect them.

Never trust your kid to the “coolest parents.” That’s usually a keyword for “we’re not paying attention” or “we’ll avoid confrontation.” All kids need discipline and security. Adults trying to act like they are teens should be a BIG red flag.