The Blog

Ending Child Sex Trafficking in Texas - with Allen West

Ending Child Sex Trafficking in Texas - with Allen West

Child sex trafficking in Arizona is an issue that's growing out of control. But thankfully, leaders like Kathleen Winn are helping put an end to it.Become an Untrafficked Guardian and help fight…

Untrafficked Team | February 19, 2023
Ending Child Sex Trafficking in Arizona - with Kathleen Winn

Ending Child Sex Trafficking in Arizona - with Kathleen Winn

Child sex trafficking in Arizona is an issue that's growing out of control. But thankfully, leaders like Kathleen Winn are helping put an end to it.Become an Untrafficked Guardian and help fight…

Untrafficked Team | February 18, 2023
Child Sex Trafficking in America - 3 CRITICAL TRENDS - John Cotton Richmond

Child Sex Trafficking in America - 3 CRITICAL TRENDS - John Cotton Richmond

What are the biggest child sex trafficking issues America is currently facing?John Cotton Richmond (Former U.S. Ambassador at Large, Human Trafficking) shares with the Untrafficked board what trends…

Untrafficked Team | February 15, 2023
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Take the pledge. Become a Guardian.

Join the Movement. Protect your Family. Untraffick America.

I PLEDGE to raise my voice, take action and do my part to stop child sex trafficking.

I PLEDGE to stand alongside of innocent children and keep them safe.

I PLEDGE to speak out on their behalf whenever and wherever necessary.

I PLEDGE to Untraffick America!