Ethics & Compliance


Untrafficked™ creates and enforces rules, norms, and actions in a manner that is structured, sustained, regulated, and held accountable.


Annually, Untrafficked™ and all of our affiliates are committed to certifying our adherence to standards that include comprehensive requirements for financial reporting, governance, ethics, diversity, and operations.


Untrafficked™ Bylaws can be viewed here

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):

Untrafficked™ privacy policy and practices are consistent with the expectations of GDPR.

Financial Information

Untrafficked™ plays a unique role as both a resource and leader in the anti-sex trafficking non-profit sector in building trust through all we do. This bond of trust goes beyond legal or regulatory requirements to include transparency, a core value we hold dear. We believe that a key element of transparency is freely sharing not only our IRS Form 990 (as required by law) but also our independently audited financial statements. It is our hope that doing so demonstrates our commitment to public accountability for the financial stewardship of the assets our donors have entrusted to us.

Code of Ethics

Untrafficked™ volunteers, employees, affiliates, and representatives have a responsibility to uphold the highest ethical standards. We believe these standards go beyond compliance with laws and regulations — calling us to fulfill higher obligations as stewards of the public trust. Our Code of Ethics sets forth standards and responsibilities toward this end. The Board of Directors and all Untrafficked™ staff approve the code and board members must certify their compliance with it personally. Our code of Ethics is available as a PDF document here.

Counter Terrorism Laws

Untrafficked™ complies with the U.S. Patriot Act and all other counter-terrorism laws. Affirmative action is taken to prevent technical, in-kind, or other resources from inadvertently being used for illegal acts and terrorist activities.


Untrafficked™ performs rigorous vetting and due diligence on every organization in the anti-sex trafficking community to ensure they are performing their unique charitable work in a transparent and accountable manner and meet the rigorous standards for registration with Untrafficked™.

I PLEDGE to raise my voice, take action and do my part to stop child sex trafficking.

I PLEDGE to stand alongside of innocent children and keep them safe.

I PLEDGE to speak out on their behalf whenever and wherever necessary.

I PLEDGE to Untraffick America!

Become a Guardian.

Join the Movement. Protect your Family. Untraffick America.