By signing The Untrafficked® Pledge you will become an Untrafficked® Guardian. You will link arms with thousands of Untrafficked® Guardians to learn how to Untraffick your home, neighborhood, and community.
Take The Pledge & Become A GuardianThe Untrafficked® Guardian Program is made up of a carefully and thoughtfully composed curriculum with the goal to inform and equip you on how to become a well-trained defender of your home, protecting your children from being groomed by sexual predators and traffickers online and through other methods.
Once you have completed the training, use this handbook as a resource guide as you talk with your children and family members about grooming and child sex trafficking. Guardian worksheets are also included for you to take notes and chronicle each meeting you have with your children.
Take The Pledge & Become A GuardianI PLEDGE to raise my voice, take action and do my part to stop child sex trafficking.
I PLEDGE to stand alongside innocent children and keep them safe.
I PLEDGE to speak out on their behalf whenever and wherever necessary.
I PLEDGE to Untraffick America!